
This website represents my (Joris van den Heuvel) interests, opinions and ideas, not those of anyone else. I created it without any commercial goal, but solely out of personal and scientific interest. The ads you see let me pay the hosting bill. You may download, display, print and copy any material at this website, in unaltered form only, for your personal use or for non-commercial use within a non-profit organisation. If you do so, include a link back to this website. I expect at least a short notice by email or in the guestbook when you copy and publish anything from this website. You will have to explain if you fail to do this, as I will probably find out about it.

Publishing parts of this website on an ad sponsored or commercial website is strictly prohibited, without my prior permission. Also, you are obligated to include a clearly visible, clickable link to Fuzzcraft.com.

Any information here is provided in good faith but no warranty can be made for its accuracy. As this is a work in progress, it is incomplete and even inaccurate. Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained within this site, I do not and cannot guarantee its accuracy. Anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify me from any and all injury or damage arising from such use. To the best of my knowledge, all graphics, text and other presentations not created by me are in the public domain and freely available from various sources on the internet or elsewhere. If you notice something incorrect or have any questions, send me an email. Media of which you own the copyright will be removed, no questions asked.

Further remarks:

  • All trademarks and tradenames mentioned belong to their respective owners
  • I am not responsible for any hotlinked content
  • I will NOT tolerate my pages to be openened inside someone else's frame or have my pages cluttered with someone else's ads. Every page includes a script to remove any framesets present and I employed a simple crowbar-like trick to get rid of ads. ANYONE trying to make some bucks off my content can go take a hike!!!

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