Welcome to the world of Fuzzcraft.com! This website is an archive of many of the DIY projects I've done over the course of over 15 years. I'm a photographer, I used to be a performing musician, and I also did some light effect projects. I also write reviews for some gadgets I buy. Use the sliding tabs on the right to view all the projects and articles. To the left are more general links and links to my other departments. Hopefully I will have inspired you to start building your own fuzzy project. Others have done so, so why not?
Please note: this website is an archive. It is no longer being maintained, and no new pages will be added.
The incredibly popular Fuzzcraft Flightcase DIY guide is still the most visited page on this website.
Photo gear flightcase #2: a mini case to protect a bare minimum camera kit for my many concert shoots.
Why I build stuff myself
Why? Because I can. Because it's fun. Because I'm a cheap-ass. Because I inherited it from my father. Because I have the unstoppable urge to create and build stuff you simply can't buy in a store. Because I like to make noise and dust with power tools. Because burning and melting stuff is awesome. Because it's exciting to start with nothing and end up with something useful. Because I like nothing more than educating myself. Because it keeps me occupied. Because it has helped me to get a job twice. Because I like a mind challenge once in a while.
Have fun (or pity me for my nerd streak ),